On April 30th 2020 Stuttgart-IX announced its relaunch, since then much has changed. We’d like to take the opportunity of this anniversary to look back on the past year.

The new Stuttgart-IX infrastructure fulfills all our peers demands and supports many modern routing security standards. Shortly after the relaunch Stuttgart-IX became official member of the MANRS initiative which underlines the commitment to a safer internet.

287GBit/s connected capacity

In the past year Stuttgart-IX welcomed 6 new members with a capacity of 73GBit/s to the peering LAN. Additionally existing members increased their connected capacity by 130GBit/s, which is also clearly visible in the traffic statistics. The overall capacity of Stuttgart-IX increased to 287GBit/s.

over 500% peak traffic growth

In April 2020 the average traffic of Stuttgart-IX was 2.5GBit/s, in the last 12 months the average traffic levels increased to 13.2GBit/s. Peak traffic, often used as a benchmark between IXPs, also increased from 5.09GBit/s (on July 16th 2020) to 33.05GBit/s (on May 4th 2021).

Stuttgart-IX traffic growth

This does not only underline the growth of Stuttgart-IX, it also implies that 10.000+ private household, many private businesses and multiple universities in Baden-Württemberg now benefit from local peering. Stuttgart-IX thereby does its part in strengthening the internet infrastructure in the Stuttgart region. The region also benefits from the newly formed partnership between Stuttgart-IX and DE-CIX, which offers a gateway to international cloud providers in the heart of Stuttgart.

We’re proud of everything we’ve achieved in the past year and would like to thank our peers, partners and supporters for their trust and support.

We would also like to thank our voluntary supporters Moritz Frenzel, Philip Grosser, Kurt Jaeger, Tim Kleefass, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Nepustil, Sebastian Neuner and Gunther Pfleiderer for their commitment towards Stuttgart-IX*.

We already have more news in our pipeline, stay tuned for more.

* Sorted by last name